
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Episode 47: Six Days, Part 1
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
We're BACK and excited to recap our first TO BE CONTINUED of Season 3. Join us as we practice our airhorn noises, discuss the show's most egregious use of montage, and describe how we're coping in quarantine this week (5:00). Then, we get into our Rounds (10:40); watching loved ones as they sleep (12:40); the ongoing misery of the Burke/Yang relationship (20:00); Harold O'Malley is the new Gene McFoot (28:00); parental white lies (emphasis on WHITE) (37:35); Mae Whitman, VATER syndrome, and that $8.7 million check (39:20); Thatcher and our abundant dad issues (49:00); the Karev/Addison ship is ready to leave port (56:25); and our episode M&M (57:15).
See you next week!

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Episode 46: Don't Stand So Close To Me
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Code Grey(s) continues IN QUARANTINE MODE with a very special return (Hi Megan!!!) and a very relevant episode 10 of Season 3. Join us as we review "What's Making Us Respond Irrationally in Quarantine This Week; our new segment "Meredith's Monologue" (10:00); our episode Rounds (12:20); the adult conjoined twins and a heated debate over whether supporting this throuple means supporting incest (21:30); the father-son emoting of George and Harold O'Malley (36:50); Molly Not-Grey and Meredith's Susan/Ellis tension (50:00); the Chief YELLING (1:02:25); and this episode's M&M (1:08:11).
See you next week!

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Episode 45: From a Whisper to a Scream
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Welcome to another episode of Code Grey(s): Quarantine Edition! We recorded this a week ago and boy howdy has everything gotten so much worse! We start out with some quarantine chatter before getting into Co-Star vs Pattern and, eventually, our Season 3, Episode 9 Rounds (14:23). Then, we ask ourselves if we would help our partners rob a bank (16:20); how George makes his only good choice so far this season by consulting ERICA HAHN, MD (38:40); can we remain friends with exes? (43:40); George's new role as the alpha asshole at Seattle Grace (47:05) and the climactic showdown between Burke and Yang (55:00). PLUS our M&M (1:04:45) which includes some vintage Damien Rice...
Stay safe! See you next week.

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Episode 44: Staring at the Sun
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
We're BACK to break down S3E07 of Grey's Anatomy. This week, PATRICE starts us out and we enjoy a TV on the Radio appreciation tangent before a debate on bath-time. Then, we jump into our episode Rounds (10:15); the Alex/Izzie ship sails again -- briefly (18:05); the very tired Working Moms dilemma (26:00); the compelling enigma that is Ellis Grey (31:35); the infantilization of the O'Malley brood (37:25) and Cristina's slow-motion heel turn (45:00). Plus, don't miss our M&M (52:50) with a hearty helping of teardrops!

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Episode 43: Where the Boys Are
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
We have a LOT to cover with Episode 7 of Season 3 -- mostly related to weird gender essentialism and unhelpful depictions of trans lives! We start, as always, with our episode Rounds (3:43) plus a discussion of our respective positions on THE GREAT OUTDOORS. Then, we move into Yang's much-deserved poop duty (13:00) and a comprehensive guide to the Monopoly tokens; the unrealistic idea of any of these men camping (23:55); what are we doing with this "manliness" storyline and why do Walter and Joe have to be subjected to toxic heterosexuality in their free time (28:00); unpacking how Grey's tries (and mostly fails) at its first trans storyline (34:50); Addison and Callie -- a ship that never really got its chance to sail (51:25); and this episode's M&M (1:02:40) which features some very comforting words from Kali Rocha's Dr. Sydney Heron.
Wash your hands and see you next week!

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Episode 42: Let the Angels Commit
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Patrice and Tréza do their best with a tepid episode, beginning with our weekly Rounds (4:20); followed immediately by a Sarah Utterback Appreciation Tangent (come on the show!); our horror at Yang's descent into Mad Queen territory (9:30); how a woman with two uteruses and two baby daddies still can't save this episode from sucking (20:25); the LONG-AWAITED psych consult of a self-sabotaging/self-harming law school hopeful (30:25); and the sudden appearance of MS. HONEY a fierce gay root and, apparently, Derek's sister (38:25). Plus we offer up our M&M (46:30) with a terrifying Medical Fact of the Week (53:35).

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Episode 41: Oh, the Guilt
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
We're back with a discussion of Grey's Anatomy Season 3, Ep 5 -- featuring the show's first real M&M (morbidity and mortalityyyy). We cover that (8:00) and so much more, including: a new mom with breast cancer and the frustrating handling of Bailey's post-baby career (17:20); the physics of a genital piercing getting entangled in an IUD (26:00); a debate on the ethics of radical honesty (30:00); Izzie's mystery guilt and un-deposited $8.7 MILLION DOLLAR check (47:45); the crucial difference between a choice and a mistake (55:00); and OUR M&M (which has much lower stakes than this episode's!

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Episode 40: What I Am
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Two of us are BACK (Patrice and Tréza) to recap #Grey'sAnatomy Season 3, Episode 4. We start out with this episode's Rounds before trying (and failing!) to sort the surgical specialities according to astrological signs (3:30); McSteamy's dramatic (even FIERY) introduction as the newest member of the surgical team at Seattle Grace (18:00); our emergency C-Section Medical Fact of the Week (23:40); Meredith is pregnant with...a bad appendix (30:40); and Izzie's awkward meet and greet with DENNISON Sr.(48:00); plus our M&M of this pretty great episode!
See you next week...

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Episode 39: Sometimes a Fantasy
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
LET'S TALK FANTASIES (wow we actually didn't talk about our fantasies, disappointing). Anywayyyy join us as we chat about Season 3, Ep 3. We start with our Rounds (2:00) before moving into The Girl Who Can't Feel Pain (7:30); Burke and Cristina on the edge (20:50); Jasper the Bionic Man (30:00); the ongoing Cold War between Derek and Finn (45:00); and our M&M which includes a superheroic Medical Fact of the Week (**it's Congenital Insensitivity to Pain**).
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Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Episode 38: I Am a Tree
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
WE'RE BACK for Ep. 2 of Season 3 -- an episode barely clinging to Mark Sloan's chiseled torso! Join us as we jump into this week's Rounds (8:00); our introduction to Mama Preston Xavier Burke (15:00); Mrs. Seaberry and Blunt Benjamin (21:50); and important debate: IS MEREDITH GREY BLONDE???? (28:30); MerDerFinn and the rest of our spiraling interns (35:40); and we pour (several) out for Addison's tragic bucket hat (50:00). Plus our episode M&M (1:02:00)!
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